
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

When even lullaby is unable to make sleep the toddlers, then what to do?

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

Sleeping routines may be different according to the moods and customs of children. For example, some children like to listen to stories from their parents. Some children like to tell about their school and activities of the day to their parents.

It’s night time. Almost mid night has passed away. Most of the people have slept or preparing to sleep by turning off their house lights but lights of thousands of houses of the country are lightened and their residents are awake. They don’t know when they will be able to sleep tonight. All of their reason of awaking is also the same. A child present in their house isn’t ready to sleep, he isn’t feeling sleepy. Why the children couldn’t sleep? There may be many possible reasons of this. Generally, children are made sleep on a separate bed and in a separate room. Children, on getting away from their parents, feel lonely and helpless and get frightened. So, night’s darkness, quietness and loneliness associatively creates the sense   of fear in them. It gets difficult for a child to sleep in such air. According to an expert psychologist, all day the children remain in the environment of parent’s love and considers sleeping as rolling away from this love, hence this feeling of deprivation and inferiority creates the sense of fear and loneliness in them. According to specialists, one easy and practical way of solving the problem of children’s sleep is to establish regularity in their sleeping routines, means setting their sleeping time and bounding them to sleep at that time daily. Don’t let the child to get engaged in any playing activity, half an hour before turning off the room lights, this could run away child’s sleep. Instead of this, engage child in a light activity so that decline comes to this all day rolling. Changing night’s dress, cleaning teeth will give children this message that sleeping time has arrived.

Routines of Sleeping TimeMay be different according to the moods and customs of children. For example, some children like to listen to stories from their parents. Some children like to tell about their school and activities of the day to their parents. Some toddlers sleep while keeping their favorite toy with them. Some children are used to of sleeping while listening to lullaby. At sleeping time, whatever is the sleeping routine of a child, make this thing lined that he sleeps on his own bed. Don’t do any such thing due to which the child stays awake. Turn off the room lights and if necessary, then turn on the night bulb. If elders are present at house, so tell them not to make noise. At times, a thing for example, fan’s sound aids in sleeping, such noise is surely helpful. 

When child has slept, leave his room silently so that child gets used to of sleeping alone. Keep this case with infants as well as with elder children. Normally, infants and new born babies are made sleep in lap or cot and when the child gets slept, then he is taken to bed. This way isn’t suitable. If you’ll make the child sleep in your lap and then after he is slept you take him to bed. Doing this will result in this that when at some slot of night, if he wakes up then he will get terrified by not finding himself in your lap. He will think that he slept somewhere else but at this time how has he reached. This question will create fear in him. May be the child starts crying and his sleep also fades away. Therefore, when tiredness starts to fell over toddlers, then only take them to bed and tap. (Some mothers make children sleep by giving feeder in child’s mouth or by giving their breast in child’s mouth. This way is hazardous for child’s health.) Apart from the sleeping routines of your child, at times children irritates a lot at the time of sleeping, at times they request for another story or else express the desire to go somewhere. If his request gets fulfilled, so one more desire arrives, no matter how much he is explained and threatened, he doesn’t get ready to sleep. According to experts, this act of sometimes is a part of growth of children. There is no need of getting too worried due to this. Yes, if for continuous one month or more than that, child irritates in sleeping then this must be taken seriously and solution should to be taken out for this condition. Hence, keeping in face the behavior of child, this problem should be tried to solve. At times, the child irritates in sleeping because he wants to attain much more attention of his parents. At times torments and depression surrounds him and at times he tries to put his pressure on parents; especially mother. If such condition appears with you, then talk with child by keeping your accent soft and your temperament cool, make him relaxed. Try to reduce his sadness and frustration. If you think that your child needs your attention or is checking that for how much time will you tolerate this behavior, then explain him with love and give him satisfaction. Then, make him realize that you have drank milk, now it’s time to sleep, therefore instead of doing anything else, sleep! After saying this, get out of room or else come to your bed, leaving his bed. If child isn’t tired, then also he hesitates from sleeping. Just consider that you have laid child at 7 in evening then apart from all your tries he will sleep till 9 because you have laid him too earlier in bed. However, if the child is all day tired (and also didn’t sleep in day) and is feeling sleepy, then there is no problem in making him sleep earlier, even if his sleeping routine is different from this. In this situation, rather than giving preference to his routine, give importance to his sleep, if child is feeling sleepy then he will also sleep earlier.

One common reason of not sleeping of children I also fear. They set up an image of ghosts, phantoms, jinns and witches and then in the darkness of night, they feel this all in the shade of curtains and behind the doors, although it has no link with the reality. At times, anxiety imposes the thoughts of ghosts and phantoms in the minds of children, due to which the child is unable to sleep. In such a situation, most important thing is that, the false image of ghost and phantom should be removed from his mind. Because child gets feared in loneliness. That’s why one condition of removing his loneliness might be this that his room door should not be closed or radio be turned on in low voice. One good way is to search for ghost and phantoms while playing and then telling him that see here is no ghost, you are getting afraid without any reason! If child gets frightened, so sit on his bed for some time. Lighter conservation should be done with him so that fear is removed from his mind. When he sleeps, then come out of his room.




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